We performed, recorded, and received our final grades for our Slam Poems
Click HERE for the recordings of the performances
HW: Download/Save your slam poem for your digital portfolio (which we will make next semster)
Have a fun and safe break
Friday, December 18, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Scribe, Thursday, December 10th, 2015
We Submitted our poems to MUSE
We watched this Final example: For Emmett Till: by Dominique Christina (historical)
Visuals and Links were
' due: did you attach your link?
HW: Final, presentation, visuals-PRACTICE memorization- 3:00 for 15- 20 minutes, eye contact, gestures, facial expression, enunciation
Friday, December 4, 2015
Scribe Post : Period 5, Friday December 4, 2015
- Read poems out loud
- How much time? 3:10
- Decide Presentation Order
- 12/14 ; 12/17
- Collect, share, and work on poem memorization
- find our 1 minute mark
- see if we need to add or remove work, or slow down
- Watch “Complainers” poem
- Finish Reading Act 2 of Inherit the Wind
- Act 2 Quiz
- HW: Final, presentation, visuals- due next Thursday, memorization, eye contact, gestures, practice for first 1:00 for at least 10-15 minutes per day (Saturday and Sunday)
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Scribe 12/3/15
In Class:
- Watched If I Had a Daughter by Sarah Kay
- Discussed performance elements
- Read Act 2 Scene I and Scene II (up to page 79)
- Printed copy of Poem due tomorrow
- Must be printed before class
- Essay Writing Conference (if you have not had one yet)
Friday, November 20, 2015
Scribe 11/20/15
In Class:
- Presented symbol projects
- collected 451 books (check into Smith ASAP after break)
- took 451 part 3 quiz
- Introduced final
- Poem final
- think about formatting
- begin composing
- background presentation
- first draft due December 4
- Get Inherit the Wind over break (if you want your own copy)
- Have a great Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Scribe, Honors English- Class 11/17
In Class:
For homework:
- We had a fishbowl discussion on pages 91-136.
- Pages 91-136 were due today.
For homework:
- quiz on part II Wed. 11/18
- fishbowl on Wed. 11/18
- read pages 136-the end due Thurs. 11/19
- symbol project due Fri. 11/20
Monday, November 16, 2015
Scribe November 26, 2015
In Class:
- Fishbowl for Fahrenheit 451 pages 61-98
- The inside circle discussed the pros and cons of technology and how it affects our society as a whole
- Read 451: 91-136,
- Quiz part II
- Symbol Project
- Fishbowl Tommrow
Friday, November 13, 2015
Scribe: Friday November 13, 2015
- quiz for pages 41-68 in groups
- Symbol project
Scribe 11/13/15 Period 3
In Class:
- Quiz on Fahrenheit 451, pages 41-68
- Work on Symbol Project
- Read 451: pages 68-91
- Fishbowl
- Symbol project
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Scribe 11/12/15
In Class: Fishbowl for Fahrenheit 451, pages 41-68
Homework: Read pages 68-91, quiz tomorrow
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Scribe 11-10-15
In Class-
- Fishbowl for chapters 1-40 of Fahrenheit 451
- Read 451: 41-68, quiz 1-40 tomorrow, paper conferences
Friday, November 6, 2015
Scribe post Nov 6, 2015
- Talked about what we would be doing with Fahrenheit 451
- reading quizzes (detailed)
- Fishowl discussions (signed up for)
- Question: What is Bradbury trying to warn our society of?
- Checked out Farenheit books
- In groups, we talked about the main ideas between the short stories “The Pedestrian” and “Harrison Bergeron”
- wrote ideas down on a poster
- Watched the video “Machines are Using Us”
- took notes
- discussed
- connected to essential question & real world
- Watched the video ”Did You Know”
- took notes
- discussed
- connected to essential question & real world
- Made New Shared Folder on Drive, called “451 movies”
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Scribe ~ November 5 - Thursday
November 5, 2015
Period 3
Due Today...
In Class...
Period 3
Due Today...
- Synthesis Paper!!-printed out, typed, double spaced, MLA format
In Class...
- Turned in our Synthesis Paper
- We wrote a letter of thanks to somebody important in our lives on a notecard
- We had the rest of class time to work on any homework we had
- Read and annotate "The Pedestrian" and "Harrison Bergeron." (Both short stories are found on Smith's website) - Due Tomorrow
- When reading the short stories, keep in mind the NEW essential question: What does it take to challenge the system? How can literature be a motivator for social change?
- What is Bradbury, author of "The Pedestrian", trying to warn our society of?
- Get copy of 451...unless you are using a copy from the school, which will be handed out tomorrow
November 5, 2015 Scribe
Today in class we:
1. turned in our synthesis paper
2. were given time to work- to write letters to thank those who have made a different in our lives or other homework
HW: read and annotate "The Pedestrian:" connect to essential question and answer this question: What is Bradbury trying to warn our society of?; copy of F-451
Today in class we:
1. turned in our synthesis paper
2. were given time to work- to write letters to thank those who have made a different in our lives or other homework
HW: read and annotate "The Pedestrian:" connect to essential question and answer this question: What is Bradbury trying to warn our society of?; copy of F-451
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Scribe November 4
In Class...
Synthesis Essay
- Fishbowl Style Editing/Working
- Final Edits
Eighth Grader Visit
- Why is Arapahoe great?
*Teachers are motivated to teach
*Food right next to us
- How good are sports?
*Sports have great community
*Great way to get involved
-Why Arapahoe over other schools?
*There is no real social structure
*One great community
Homework: Printed Final Copy of Synthesis Essay and Rubric, 12 pt. font, double spaced, normal margins due tomorrow at the start of class, Read Harrison Bergeron by Friday
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Scribe ~ 3 November, -Tuesday
3 November, 2015
Period 3
Due in class...
Intro Paragraph, 1st Body Paragraph, 2nd Body Paragraph, and Conclusion
In class...
Final Essay due Thursday, printed out, works cited, get a copy of 451
Period 3
Due in class...
Intro Paragraph, 1st Body Paragraph, 2nd Body Paragraph, and Conclusion
In class...
- Spent time finishing up writing our Synthesis Paper
- Peer editing
- A helpful tool for editing is: http://sascurriculumpathways.com/
- To write a proper MLA Format visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1reYL6TXqi7qP5qXbQ1fKYu-zGfVvkqpP_bHv3kK5RN4/edit?usp=sharing
Final Essay due Thursday, printed out, works cited, get a copy of 451
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Scribe- October 29th, Thursday
Due in Class:
~Intro Paragraph
~SAT Exercises
In Class:
~Taking SAT test
~Went over examples for Intro Paragraph
~Went over Quotes
~Went over Synthesis Part (think "so what?")
~Worked on Essay
~ SAS Essay Reviser (link on agenda)
~Have INTRO, 1RST BODY, and 2ND BODY paragraphs in proper format done on MONDAY
Side Note: Meet in Forum Tomorrow for Poetry Slam
~Intro Paragraph
~SAT Exercises
In Class:
~Taking SAT test
~Went over examples for Intro Paragraph
~Went over Quotes
~Went over Synthesis Part (think "so what?")
~Worked on Essay
~ SAS Essay Reviser (link on agenda)
~Have INTRO, 1RST BODY, and 2ND BODY paragraphs in proper format done on MONDAY
Side Note: Meet in Forum Tomorrow for Poetry Slam
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Scribe ~ October 28
(I'm not really scribe today but Kendall asked me to post something so here I am. - Zach C)
- Keep it from being too wordy, simple to read, not confusing.
- Phrase simply
- Keep it from being ambiguous
- Be concise.
- Feel free with topics.
- Easily defined topic + subtopics.
- Eliminate passive words.
Homework: SAT Vocab and Completion of 1st Body Paragraph (Tomorrow)
(1st body paragraph should have all three quotes)
October 28th Scribe
In class today we peer edited each others thesis' so if you were absent I would advise you to see Smith to check you thesis.
Hw: Outline 1st body paragraph (Thesis and intro should already be done), SAT vocab test tomorrow, and SAT Lesson 8 exercises due tomorrow.
In class today we peer edited each others thesis' so if you were absent I would advise you to see Smith to check you thesis.
Hw: Outline 1st body paragraph (Thesis and intro should already be done), SAT vocab test tomorrow, and SAT Lesson 8 exercises due tomorrow.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Scribe October 26, 2015
In Class:
- Notes and discussion questions for A Long Way Gone were checked
- We did a fishbowl for chapters 18-21 in A Long Way Gone
- The inside circle discussed revenge and how it effects your life, and you as a person.
- The outside circle discussed the purpose of writing the book and how that helped Ishmael to cope with what he had done
- Read over outline and synthesis explanation
- Set up the outline for your essay
- come with 3-4 topics for thesis statements
- SAT 8 Exercises
- due: Thursday
Friday, October 23, 2015
Scribe October 22, 2015
In Class:
- Someone came around and checked to make sure we wrote our 5 questions down for the discussion
- We did a fishbowl discussion over chapters 12-17 in A Long Way Gone
- On the inside circle they discussed a loss of innocence, what the shoes in the book represent, how jealousy and anger fuel revenge, and more
- On the outside circle we discussed the loss of innocence, how the book related to Othello and Lord of the Flies, how the war affect Ishmael, and more
- Read and annotate chapters 18-19 for tomorrow
- Read and annotate chapters 18-the end of the book for Monday
- 5 questions over those chapters by Monday
- Fishbowl discussion Monday
- SAT 7 Exercises due Friday
- SAT 7 Quiz Friday
- Work on synthesis outline
Scribe October 23, 2015
Today in Class:
- Our SAT exercises were collected and we took the SAT week 7 quiz.
- Then, we were given work time for our upcoming Synthesis Paper
- The outline: here.
- We also worked on the posters and themes around the room, adding more quotes.
- Read and annotate A Long Way Gone chapters 20-21, 5 questions over 18-end
- Higher Level Thinking Connections to Othello etc.
- (Last) Fishbowl on Monday
- Synthesis Paper
Here is the plan for next week.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Extra Information on A Long Way Gone
I did a bit of research on A Long Way Gone. Here is some information I found:
Ishmael Beah has a twitter: @IshmaelBeah
He has also written a fiction novel called The Radiance of Tomorrow . The novel is about a civil war and two boys coping.
Finally here is the link to the interview I brought up in our discussion:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v= ozsOLdgp_y0
Ishmael Beah has a twitter: @IshmaelBeah
He has also written a fiction novel called The Radiance of Tomorrow . The novel is about a civil war and two boys coping.
Finally here is the link to the interview I brought up in our discussion:
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Scribe October 21, 2015
- Sub in class.
- Sub assigns two poems.
- Poster work with poems, LWG, LOF, and Othello.
- Silent work time.
- Homework:
- Read and annotate Long Way Gone 12-17.
- Fishbowl tomorrow.
- SAT work due Friday.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Scribe October 20, 2015
- Reviewed good and bad things about Fishbowl discussion
- Discussions got a little off topic
- Agree to disagree
- Great examples
- Relate to LOF and Othello
- Watched spoken poem called “Pass On”
- Discussed how the poem relates to A Long Way Gone
- Elements of nature (wind)
- Lost innocence
- Began synthesis paper outline and took notes on how betrayal connects to the three novels
- Used 10 big idea poster ideas (Revenge, power, jealousy, honesty, prejudice, betrayal, racism, anger, power of words, gender)
- Homework
- Read and annotate Long Way Gone 15-17, create 5 questions over 12-17, higher level thinking questions/connections to other novels
- SAT Exercises (due Friday)
- Begin synthesis outline
Scribe 10-20-15
In Class
- Debrief on Fishbowl
- discussed how the fishbowl of October 19 went
- good responses
- helped clear up questions that students had about the text
- covered every aspect of the book
- everyone spoke
- “Pass On”
- Watched and listened to the poem “Pass On”(Link on Agenda)
- Connected to LWG, loss of innocence, death, power of words
- How did the poem relate the LWG
- Elements of nature
- Synthesis Paper outline: the beginnings...
- talked about common themes
- Betrayal
- Revenge
- Innocence
- Fear
- Power
Didn’t get to:
- Poster Work
- added quotations to posters for essential questions
- Read Chp. 12-14
- 5 higher level questions
- annotations and connections
- Read and annotate Long Way Gone 15-17
- 5 questions over 12-17(higher level thinking)
- Questions/Connections to Othello, and LOF etc
- SAT work
- Synthesis Outline
Monday, October 19, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Tuesday, 10/13/2015
Parent Teacher Conference Letter
Chapters, Annotations and Questions for chapters 1-5 in A Long Way Gone
In Class:
Voted on Wonder Woman Song
We did our first discussion about ALWG with Smith leading it and explaining roles of everyone.
Cover it Live discussion (look lower on blog)
Read Chapters 6-11 in ALWG
Annotate chapters 6-11
3 deeper understanding questions
Parent Teacher Conference Letter
Chapters, Annotations and Questions for chapters 1-5 in A Long Way Gone
In Class:
Voted on Wonder Woman Song
We did our first discussion about ALWG with Smith leading it and explaining roles of everyone.
Cover it Live discussion (look lower on blog)
Read Chapters 6-11 in ALWG
Annotate chapters 6-11
3 deeper understanding questions
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Scribe 10/13
Parent Teacher Conference letter due.
We voted on the Wonder Woman song.
8th graders came in and shadowed, we talked about why we decided to come to Arapahoe.
Smith explained the roles of presenters and discussers, explained the roles of the outer circle online on the class blog.
http://smith9h1516.blogspot.com/2015/10/lwg-1-5-period-5.html (look here for our discussion topics and responses to qeustions)
Outer circle needs to post questions and answer other people's questions. If you want to ask a specific person a question, you say @Hayden and then ask your question.
Homework is to read and annotate chapters 6-11 of A Long Way Gone, and to be ready to discuss again on Monday.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Scribe 10/9/15
Today in class we...
- Turned in our self-evaluations for the Ethos, Logos, Pathos Debate
- We signed up once to present and once to discuss on the white sheets on the bulletin board by Smith's desk.
- A reminder that all students need to create a folder for Parent Teacher Conferences, follow the directions on this link here.
- We were then dismissed to work on our SAT songs (due Monday)
- Read and annotate Long Way Gone chapters 1-5
- 3 questions over chapters 1-5
- Higher level thinking questions/connections to Othello--Due Monday
- Parent Teacher Conferences Letter--Due Tuesday
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Scribe 10/8/15
Today in class we listened to and presented our ethos, pathos, and logos debates.
1. Read and annotate Long Way Gone (chapters 1-5) and list three questions for discussion topics
2. SAT song
3. Parent-teacher conference letter
4. Questions/connections to Othello and LOF
Today in class we listened to and presented our ethos, pathos, and logos debates.
1. Read and annotate Long Way Gone (chapters 1-5) and list three questions for discussion topics
2. SAT song
3. Parent-teacher conference letter
4. Questions/connections to Othello and LOF
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Scribe 10/7/2015
Today in class we:
1. Signed up for fishbowl discussions on Long Way Gone
2. Worked on Kony 2012 Debate and was handed a rubric on it
SAT 6 song, Debate prep, Read and annotate Long Way Gone 1-5, Questions on 1-5, connect to Othello and Lord of the Flies
1. Signed up for fishbowl discussions on Long Way Gone
2. Worked on Kony 2012 Debate and was handed a rubric on it
SAT 6 song, Debate prep, Read and annotate Long Way Gone 1-5, Questions on 1-5, connect to Othello and Lord of the Flies
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Scribe October 2, 2015
Today in class we:
- Finished the advertisement dissection
- We watched the Kony 2012 video and looked for and talked about examples of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
- We prepared for the debate; we went through:
- Purpose
- Scoring Rubric
- Debate Agenda
- Work Time
- Visuals to support arguments
- Debate Details
- Homework: Ethos, Pathos, Logos preparation, debate Thursday, SAT 6 song
Friday, October 2, 2015
Scribe October 2, 2015
Today in class we, took the SAT 5 quiz, finished reading Act 5 (page 243-265), took a quiz on Act 5, and watched the end of the movie of Othello.
Summary Response Act 5 due Monday
Get a copy of Long Way Gone
Summary Response Act 5 due Monday
Get a copy of Long Way Gone
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