What qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody? What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class?
Make sure to proofread your response, as well as comment and connect to one another's.
Educational figures and situations should always be based around one question: will this help a student be prepared to thrive in the future? As a student, the expectation to fulfil this question is to have the correct motivation behind hard work. I expect myself to offer all my attention and abilities to this English class, not so I can finish with a high GPA, but so I am one step closer to being a highly educated adult. One whom can accurately voice my opinions, in an intelligent, acute way. One who can fully comprehend and process text, which is an extremely desired skill. I expect myself to never lose sight of the ultimatum, work and prosper, or slack and struggle. From Smith I expect the same. I expect my papers aren’t graded for sake of giving me a letter grade, defining my surface intellect. I expect my assignments are graded with positive acknowledgement for my developed skills, and advice for the areas in which I lack. All of these aspects of course having the end goal of myself as a student, becoming a literate, well-informed citizen. I expect my classmates have the same goals as me, and will do anything to help their peers reach the objective, but of course having some fun along the way. I expect my freshman English class to be incredibly didactic, but never forgetting that this time period is when our minds are moldable, untampered with, and craving perception.
I completely agree. Like Smith has said multiple times in class, school is not just for work ethic. Grades and work is for personal growth and to prepare us for the future. Your comment outlined this perfectly and this is what I expect from english 9 honors this year. Freshman year may not seem important, but is the foundation for our high school career. Growth in 9th grade is crucial for our future learning experience, and can really set us up for future growth.
Good teachers, students and classes should embody treating each other with respect and help each other out. Also, everyone needs to be kind to ech other.
Good teachers embody the quality of compassion, as well as patience. Students show the qualities of eagerness, and respect, especially towards the teacher or fellow classmates. Good classes must be a combination of the qualities of both good teachers, and good students. Teachers and students combine to create the class, and must both work to make it good. The expectations I have of myself are very high, and I know I must work hard to reach them. My expectations for Smith and this class are nearly the same as the ones I set for myself. I expect the class and Smith to be fun, yet strict, and want to learn things that will be useful in the future.
Teachers come in many different shapes in sizes. For example, Professor McGonagall appeared to her students as a sultry cat when they were late to class. Chiron was know for being one half horse, and one half man. Both, however, were arguably great teachers. Their students, ranging from Hermione Granger to Ajax, went on to do great things. But why? Was it because their teacher could claw them if they misbehaved, or give them free rides when they were good? Perhaps in part, but not completely. It isn't a pair of claws that makes a teacher amazing and being stronger than all of Greece is by no means a guarantee way of being a good student. A student has to want to be taught, and a teacher has to want to teach. "When the student is ready, the master appears," is a famous proverb that comes to mind. For me, that means that everyday we come to Smith's honor class to be ready to learn and grown as students, and for Smith to be ready to teach and guide us onto that path. We'll have days where we'll laugh, and days where we want to burn down the entire school and never learn again, and that's okay. No class is perfect. But we only have so long before the chance to learn is exhausted. Why waste time now, when we are young and willing?
In order to have a good learning environment, we need several expectations in place. Most of these expectations are common courtesy. Our class should be motivated to learn. We need to want to work hard and put forward our best effort. In addition, we should all come prepared every single day. For me, that means looking at the agenda a few days before and making sure I am ready for that day.
In class, we need to work together. Everyone deserves respect and attention. I will listen to my classmates and Smith when they are talking and I expect them to do the same for me. When someone finishes an assignment, they should help others or work on something else quietly. This is a part of being kind to other students.
Smith’s class is going to be hard. The difficult assignments are designed to help us grow. I expect Smith to challenge us with her lessons. This class is not about a GPA, it is setting us up for our future. Therefore, we should not take the easy way out of assignments. I agree with what Hannah said earlier, no class is perfect. We will make mistakes this year. But as Smith has already said many times, this year is about growth. I expect everyone in our class to grow from all assignments and all mistakes. If we do this, then it sets us up for the rest of high school and beyond.
Hannah, I completely agree and admire your hopes for this class, Your connections are brilliant and are very relatable to many of my and other’s goals for this class this year. Students can enjoy their time and have their own adventures like the characters in the Harry Potter series, but must also learn to be disciplined in order to be prepared to enter the “magical” world out there. As you said, there will be times when we will have class periods filled with laughter and others that are filled with frustration, but with Smith’s guidance and our commitment, we will be able to prosper. Great statement! Really enjoyed reading your response and hope that we will be able to do great things in this class like the characters of the books we read.
I completely agree with Hannah. Students have to want to be taught and teachers have to want to teach, and those two qualities will help to make myself and other students around me more successful during their high school career. I especially like Hannah's point of, why waste time when we are young and willing to to learn? That is one of my expectations for myself, I want to come to class expecting to learn something from Smith. Just as I'm expecting her to teach me something valuable that will help me in my first year of high school and beyond.
I have a feeling that this year will be challenging most of the time, but I"ll also have a blast. Most of the people in my class are strangers, so I'm also expecting to make some new friends this year, which is part of high school's appeal. I hope to make this year great, and I'm sure Smith and all of my classmates will help me do it!
Good teachers, students, and classes can embody several traits that could help them reach certain goals that have been set for their learning. They need to be understanding, kind, and most importantly, focused on a goal. If only half of the class is focused, then not as much learning can be achieved. It is the duty of each individual student to pay attention. If most of the students succeed, then knowledge can be achieved at a faster rate and chances are the class will know what they’re doing. I expect to further my knowledge of literature as well as read and analyze the texts assigned by Smith. As Rachel said, this class probably will be fun, yet strict, the perfect environment to expand our horizons in high school.
Good teachers, students, and classes can have many different qualities, but one trait that they all have in common is passion. When they are passionate they are willing to do the best of their ability, whether it is in teaching or learning. Students with passion actually care about what they are learning about and will more often than not ask for help if they don’t understand the content being covered in class. Teachers with passion care about their students and want their students to succeed. I have high expectations for myself since I would like to turn in excellent work that benefits my learning. I expect Mrs. Smith to be willing to help anyone who needs it. However, she should acknowledge that we are starting to become independent and should be responsible for doing what needs to be done by themselves. Although I anticipate that this class will be interesting, I realize that it will be a challenge and not an A that can be earned by doing mediocre work.
A good classroom should be where everyone is able to learn and all be able to share the interest of learning. Students should came to each class prepared and ready to learn even if they feel like it isn't their best day. Teachers should be ready to come into the classroom ready to learn like everyone else but have a stronger voice of authority. My own expectations are to be able to learn to the best of my ability and the more that I can learn, it will show up in my grade. We as students should learn to become more responsible because we don't have teachers holding our hands anymore and breathing down our necks about missing assignments. Our class would be more successful is everyone is able to come to class daily and be completely prepared. Qualities that I find in a good teacher is someone who is able to relate to the students. He or she should be able to feel comfortable with teaching and to be able to have a voice of authority when needed. I personally do not like teachers that lecture, because I do not find that I myself get into the material as much as I should. I agree with Rachel that as students, we should show the teacher (Smith) with respect as she will respect us as long as we respect her. It is like the old saying, treat others how you want to be treated. I don't expect to be treated fairly if I did something incomplete or wrong, but Smith doesn't expect us to do the wrong thing. As Tia said, "Although I anticipate that this class will be interesting, I realize that it will be a challenge and not an A that can be earned by doing mediocre work", I realized that we as students need to work hard at everything that we do. I personally can't wait to start some of the books we will be reading, but to be able to get past something all the students need to work together to be the best person that we can be and the best class we can become.
I believe that good teachers, students, and classes should embody, respect, kindness, accountability, and a good work ethic. My expectations for myself and everyone else are that we make it our goal to embody those qualities as well as others suggested by different people. We will need them to get through this year.
Good aspects of teachers, students and an engaged, focused class should all be similar. Each should have respect and an uplifting atmosphere, which would build a class that is a place for growth and learning. Teachers should show respect to the students, as should the students show respect to the teacher and their classmates. Students should be able to communicate freely and express their opinion to the class without barriers. Classmates should lift up their fellow students with constructive criticism and also want their peers to learn. The class should be filled with positivity to make the class an open, fun atmosphere for every student. The teacher and the students should always be supportive of one another and encouraging the each other to grow, and be prepared for the future. I expect myself to stick with goals that I have set and be open to advice that will help me learn and grow, and I expect Smith and peers to support me in my growth, provide their experience, advice, and their will for me to grow in my own education. I believe that we learn from our own, and others mistakes, and if we share experiences and mistakes with our classmates and teachers it will help us grow and not make mistakes in the future. If this class is about growth (which it is) then I expect this class (and Smith) to be open minded, supportive and encouraging others and my own growth.
I like the "build each other up with constructive criticism." Rather than telling each other to fix things in their work, which implies it is broken, We should tell them to improve it. Make it better. Go beyond your potential.
A good student should be willing to work towards a set goal in order to achieve success. In Smith's class, I am willing to accomplish tasks that Smith assigns and that I give myself. A good teacher should work with his or her students when they are bewildered or disorganized and encourage them so they can accomplish their goals and achieve success. In Smith's class, I am looking for Smith to be available for conferences if her students have any questions or concerns and I am also hoping that she will take the time to understand our goals as well as our struggles. A good class has excellent work ethic as well as a good teacher and students, as described above. I expect that Smith's students, including myself, will be dedicated in English this year because students will come seeking success with an open mind and Smith will come ready to encourage her students to work towards their goals.
In order to get the best of you learning, you need a good learning environment. One of the most important factor in a learning environment is the people. First of all, you can learn a lot better if you have a great teacher. In my opinion, the best teacher is one that knows a lot about the subject, can connect with the students, and can make the learning enjoyable. I enjoy learning a lot more if I have a teacher that knows a lot about the subject they are teaching. The learning is much more interesting if the teacher is not just reading out of a textbook. Also, students are often curious, so a more intelligent teacher can answer more of the students questions. Another good quality in a teacher the ability for the teacher to connect to their students. If a teacher can connect to the students, it can make the learning easier and more enjoyable. Finally, I like it if the teacher can make the learning fun and enjoyable. It easier to learn if the teacher makes the learning pleasant. I find it harder to learn if the style of teaching is boring. Another important factor of someone’s learning is himself. The individual decides how much they learn and how well they learn it. They need to pay attention in class, ask questions, and do their work. It is hard for someone to learn if they do not listen to the teacher. Also, people learn better if they ask questions. Curious learners learn more then people who just learn what is necessary. Finally, the learner needs to do their work to the best of their ability. They need to try their best, and turn their work in on time. A final factor to someone’s learning is the class. Even if one person in a class is exceptional, the rest of the class may change it for them. If one person is always focused and listening, they can still be distracted by other students. If someone is sitting right next to someone who always talks to them, it is hard for them to learn. Usually, in the teacher’s worst class, there are multiple people that would be exceptional students if they were in a different class. It isn’t fun for those students because they do not get to perform as well as they could have if they were in a different class. I expect that Smith’s 5th block will be an exceptional class. There will not be many distractions, and all of our work will be turned in on time and done to the best of our ability. It will be a great, yet fun learning environment. I expect myself to be on task at all times, and get my work done to the best of my ability. I will try my hardest in this class and hopefully pay off. I expect Smith to be a perfect teacher. She will get a plethora of information into our minds, and let us enjoy it at the same time.
In order for a teacher to be the best they can be, there are certain qualities that they need to possess. These include patience, understanding, humor, fairness and enthusiasm. All of these qualities improve the relationship between teacher and student and make it easier for the student and class to learn. A good student must possess similar qualities and then some. Students also need to have persistence, a strong work ethic and an open mind. I expect myself to do the best that I can to gain a better understanding of whatever we are covering in class, knowing that it will be challenging and there will be lots of work involved. I am okay with that, because I know that as long as I can manage my workload and be persistent in getting things done on time I will be able to get the most out of this English class. I expect the rest of the class to put the same amount of effort in so that we can all work smoothly and efficiently together throughout the year. From Smith, I would expect that everyone in the class be treated fairly. Fairness to me means that if someone is in a position where they cannot complete an assignment at all or cannot complete it to the best of their ability for some reason, their situation would be taken into account when grading them. Maybe they were not understanding the assignment, maybe they were just in a funk that day, maybe they had some kind of conflict and were not able to do their best because of a lack of time. What fairness does not mean is giving slackers free passes and accepting their excuses. I believe that if someone is able but unwilling to do their work, then they do not deserve a second chance. If, however, they are unable to do their work then they should be allowed some leeway. If our whole class can meet these expectations as a whole, I think we will have an easy year ahead.
What qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody? What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class?
I believe that there are many qualities that teachers and students should share. I believe that people need to be kind, aware, and need to act like a human being. At my old school, people were afraid of each other and to make mistakes. We are all human, and that's okay. Also, a little bit of humor and open mindedness couldn't hurt. I expect a fun, challenging year ahead, a one of a kind teacher and lesson plan, and a group of friends.
Teacher's play a major role in a student's life. If a teacher has a positive effect on a student, then that student can take away much more learning and have a successful career rather than a teacher who made no impact upon a student's academic career. A good teacher will push their students so that their students can reach their full potential. A good teacher will challenge students so that they can continue to grow in academic levels. Teachers will be able to impact a student so that they can walk away from the class feeling that they gave their everything in that class. A good student will challenge themselves. Push themselves so that they can get the best out of their experiences. A student will continue to improve an assignment or a test until they feel that they have given everything to that assignment. A good class will help each other grow and push each other so everyone is putting 100% effort into everything. Taking this English honors class, I knew that it would be a lot of work, but I knew that all the effort would be worth it. By pushing myself, I will be able to grow and learn new things. Smith will also help push me so I can be my best. I expect that in order to get an A in this class, you have to earn it. You can't just turn in a sloppy piece of work and expect to get an A, you have to work for it. I also expect that this class will help push each other so that we can all succeed together. If we all help each other and work hard, then we will all succeed this year.
I completely agree with Joseph. An exceptional learning environment is the key to an excellent education. The teacher, and the manner in which they teach are the most important aspects of this environment. If the teacher is uninteresting, and the way they instruct is mundane, then no one will learn. We will just fall asleep :). Teachers must also be approachable, so you can ask them about assignments and projects. Since all of the teachers at Arapahoe are all accessible and friendly that will never be a problem. The teacher should also care about our education. People do not try their hardest if they simply do not care. My first impressions of Smith are amazing. She actually cares (novel concept!). Teachers are somewhat responsible for our grades. Ultimately though, the responsibility is ours. If us students disregard our education, there is nothing Smith can do for us. We have to care about our schooling before we can even begin to thrive. Just remember, do the right thing (and your homework) :).
I completely agree with Isabella. She made a very impactful statement in the beginning of her response that said, “Educational figures and situations should always be based around one question: will this help a student be prepared to thrive in the future?” This made me think on how your actions in class should exemplify those that will help you succeed in the future. I also agree with her on how our other classmates should have the same mindset and goals on how you should create your actions in class to help you succeed more in life. I believe that the teacher and student must also share respect. If the two respect each other there should be no lack of high opinions and a good attitude with each other. Based on my previous sentence, my expectations of Smith is to challenge me to the best of my capability and try to make me into the best student I can be, the best writer I can be, and the best classmate I can be. I expect my peers to also try and be challenged so they can learn more and succeed more later in life.
Good teachers, students, and classes embody qualities that provide a healthy learning environment in order to benefit each other. Some of these qualities include mutual respect, positivity, and support towards one another. I expect that our class, including myself and Smith, will contribute to this healthy learning environment to help us grow this year as students and individuals.
Good students, teachers, and classes all have similar traits, that including some you might (or should) already expect out of everybody. Kindness, respect, and an overall friendly and a friendly and welcome personality are all embodied by good teachers, students, and classes. A good class is usually full of good students and good teachers. Typically, good classes are made and driven by the ones in it. I believe that this class certainly has the potential to be a good class, as long as we all act as good students. Good students should treat others the way they want to be treated. I expect these qualities in my class, my teacher, and most importantly, myself. In addition, I expect a solid effort from our class, and a goal to improve and develop throughout the year. We all want (or should want) to improve now so that we can succeed in the future. With success, there comes the obvious failures, but that only leaves more room for growth. I am very excited for this school year and especially for English class, and I think that we can be a great class this year.
Learning is something good teachers, students, and classes get from each other. Good teachers are willing to learn from students and classes, and good students learn from their teachers, and also their class as a whole. A class learns teamwork skills from each other. Good teachers, students, and classes all work together and remain open-minded about new learning experiences. I expect myself to learn from my classmates, Smith, and also my own actions. I expect myself to learn not for a grade or the approval of others, but because every time you learn something new you add something to the person you are now and the adult you will become. I expect Smith to challenge me and help me write better with feedback. I expect this class to help shape me as a well-rounded reader, writer, and person.
When one looks at a teacher, student, or a class overall, certain qualities come across within seconds. Inspiring, angry, distracted, whatever it may be, it is very easy to distinguish these qualities in a person. Most people want to be known as a fun, happy teacher or student, and there are some expectations that go along with these qualities. A “favorite” teacher of a student is most likely a teacher who isn’t serious all the time. It isn’t a teacher who just gets through the lesson with a monotone voice and a dead expression. It is the teacher that has life and spirit. The teacher that is easy to connect to and the one who students can come to for anything. This teacher makes learning fun, and sometimes, it doesn’t even seem like a lesson when they are speaking. They are hard-working, dedicated, and passionate about what they do. Similarly, good students should possess many of these qualities. Organization is key to success, and students and teachers alike should possess this trait. Students should be happy and pay attention to the world around them, not just focusing on themselves or on a few select people. They should be open to new ideas and creativity. They should be happy and come to school prepared and ready to learn. This often isn’t a daily occurrence for most students, but it is definitely something to strive for. If there is a whole class full of these eager students, the teacher will likely be more happy and less stressed. These are the kind of people that I would like to have in my class. This is the kind of teacher I want to have, and the kind of person I want to be. I will do my best to be this person and inspire others to do the same.
I really like how your post was not just addressing you individually, and you made the reader feel connected by wanting to inspire others to possess the qualities of organization, hard work, dedication, etc. to be successful throughout life.
For a positive learning environment, not only do the teachers have to be positive, but so do the students. I believe that for a class to be successful, students must set goals, and answer questions that they maybe do not know the correct answer for. This ensures that students are always achieving, and reaching higher in education as well as pushing themselves to think deeper. For teachers, I think that it is so important to guide the students learning process but to make sure the students are being independant. This will guarantee students success in the actual world as they graduate. I have many expectations for this year. My highest being to challenge. Being in an honors class, I hope to have other students who enjoy language arts instead of those who don’t. I also hope to master new writing strategies and learn how to communicate more efficiently in writing. I have never been the total language arts person, but, I enjoy being with people who also, share the same goals as me. In an honors class, I would expect to find other students who want to learn, and who are excited for class. I am so excited for this new school year and hope to work together well!
A good teacher is a person who provides completely thorough tools and explanations in order for his or her students to succeed in gaining the necessary skills to be exemplary in their life. A good student is a person who uses the provided tools and education to the best of their ability in order to master the skill that they are trying to learn. They also seek out additional resources in order to master the skill completely from all aspects. A good class is a group of people that work together and pool knowledge under the tutelage of a specific teacher. Most of the time, this group will all have around the same amount of knowledge, but they all come from different backgrounds, which will make for different perspectives that can bring a fresh and interesting vibe to the class. Expectations I have for myself in this class is to turn my work in on time, and to always be clear on what we are doing. If I don’t know, then I will ask clarifying questions. Expectations that I have for Smith are to have somewhat often checks with the students to see if they are always on the same page. Expectations I have for this class are that I expect EVERYONE in the class to be calm, courteous, kind, and always willing to help one another. I expect no one to behave in a rude or disrespectful way. I also expect people to advocate for themselves in their learning.
Teachers many times, have a strong impact on students' lives. But I think there are certain qualities a teacher should embody in order to have that influence. I think they should not only teach students, but inspire, encourage, and challenge them. I think those traits are important for a good teacher to have, because students can then grow and learn from their mistakes with trustworthy support. I think that the students themselves should embody kindness, love, compassion, and equality. For a class to thrive, the students need to support each other as well as understand one another. Conflict can arise if there is a lack of trust and compromise. A class, including the teacher, should be like a family- close and available to help. For myself, I want to be the best friend that I can be to my classmates, in order to maintain a healthy environment. I will not only respect the rest of the students, but also Smith. I would like to embody a positive attitude, and a selfless character towards Smith and the class. I think that as a whole, our class, specifically can acquire these traits. I will try my best to do just that and will keep my classmates in check as well as I can in order to sustain an enjoyable vibe in the classroom!
Good teachers, students and classes embody patience and respect for one another. They treat each other equally. They should also be able to learn and grow from one another. These qualities provide support and a successful learning environment. I expect to learn from both Smith and the rest of my class and I expect to be treated with the same respect and patience that I give them. I expect to get what I give.
When you look around a classroom at school, there are many great qualities represented by students, teachers, and even entire classes. Responsibility, creativity, integrity, and discipline, are just a few of the qualities that you see represented. Responsibility is what allows everyone to take charge of their education, and manage it however they want to. Creativity keeps your education interesting, and lets you think outside of the box in situations even outside of class. Integrity and discipline are the qualities that keep you focused and involved in your education, so that way you can find a topic that you want to focus on later in life. These qualities are what have led me to create expectations not just for myself, but for Smith, and English honors. I expect that I will give my all on every assignment, and every time there is a chance to participate in class. For Smith I expect that she allows me to reach my full potential by giving me encouragement to always try my hardest. And my final expectations are of English honors, in which I don’t expect to be easy, but that means I will just have to try that much harder to get the learning experience out of the class that I am looking for.
I totally agree with you Annie. I think that a teacher should be disciplined and responsible, but should also be willing to be flexible when need me. I am also helping that Smith will help me to reach my full potential this school year.
The learning environment plays a crucial role in our development/growth from a student, classmate, and friend to an employee, colleague, or boss in the modern world. These levels of education provide us with key assets to enter the next generation of world leaders. In order to attain the necessary knowledge to take on these prodigious roles in our future, we must acquire our wisdom not only from qualified educators, but other students and classes. In my opinion, a good teacher embodies the attributes of a determined, passionate, and enticing individual. Being strict or being too easygoing can prove to be disadvantageous, but an equilibrium between the two forces of teaching allow students to prosper and reflect their skills in everyday life. Because students are a key part in a teacher’s success, they too play a vital role in the learning community. The ideal student is committed, cooperative, socially aware, and takes responsibility for his or her learning. We should be generous to others, whether they are helpful or not. Part of being a student is learning to partake in activities with others that you may or may not feel fond of. Despite this, students should strive to make themselves beneficial to the classroom in any way, even if it means taking the proper steps in one’s demeanor or work habits to become more socially or academically appealing. Finally, the classroom embodies all the crucial factors for success. Classrooms should inspire creativity through the appearance such as colors, posters, etc. They should also be inviting and positive, allowing students to feel comfortable with their learning (whether they are struggling or striving). The classroom should encompass all of the qualities of the students and teachers, for they form the pieces of the puzzle to create the classroom. I hope that I, Smith, and the class in this 2015-16 honors English class will be able to provide some or all of these qualities this year so that we can all be successful. I expect us to learn a great deal of applicable skills, but have fun along the way so that we can all enjoy our education, and look forward to the future.
I completely agree with you, Christine! Teachers and students help each other learn and help create a balanced learning community. Taking responsibility for one's learning is crucial to being a well-rounded student and it is important to be an active member of the class. The way you explained your points were really well done, your writing style is incredible.
A good student puts in the work, is open minded, and attempts every single homework assignment, answer, test, and quiz with all of his or her effort. A good student does not slack or take the easy way out. They try to master the skill of learning by putting every once of their effort in learning. Also, they communicate with their teacher if they have a question or if they are confused about a topic. A good teacher supports the students and provides the tools for students to grow and prosper. They help out and encourage their students when they are confused, disorganized, or need guidance. Also, good teachers do not act sweetly and try to play "good guy" in grading, they correct what needs to be fixed. Good teachers interact with their students and provide good feedback to their students. A good class works together to help each other learn and provide solid good feedback on different assignments. They help each other grow. I expect to turn all of my papers on time and ask Smith for ways to improve on my writing techniques and help me grow as a student. Expectations for Smith are that she will answer any questions on my confusion and she will always help me grow and expand my knowledge. I expect for all of the students in the class help each other willingly and to be kind and not disrespectful.
I totally agree with you! I think effort from us is crucial for a classroom to thrive. Respect and responsibility will be useful tools as well. Great way of putting it!
The most important quality that teachers, students, and a class can embody is positivity. A positive learning environment fosters a community showing growth and prosperity. Students should be positive towards each other. When someone says something in class, the positive comments should fair outweigh the negative ones so that student feels confident in speaking up again. A teacher should also be positive and enthusiastic because that enthusiasm will translate into kids liking the class more and producing better quality work. The entire class should radiate positivity, towards each other, towards the class, and towards the teacher. I think that good teachers enjoy the subject they are teaching and good students learn to enjoy what they are being taught. A class also should embody respect for each other. A class should also have a focused and productive environment for optimal growth. It should have structure. I expect myself to always put forth my best work and focus on growth and trust that my grade will take care of itself. Like mentioned above, I won’t settle for turning in mediocre assignments and when I don’t perform as well as I should, I will come in and get help to learn from my mistakes. I expect myself to stay organized and utilize the resources available, specifically technology. I expect myself to stay on top of assignments and keep procrastination to a minimum. I expect Smith to provide timely feedback and help me when I’m struggling with a writing piece or difficult book. The reason I took honors English is because empathy stems from reading novels that take you to other places, help you understand new characters, and look at situations outside of everyday lives from an outside perspective. So I expect that, as a class we will grow in our understanding of the world around us and our empathetic outlooks. I look forward to the rest of the year.
In order to create a positive environment where students can learn, work, and develop themselves as students and as people, classes, teachers, and students all must embody positive, friendly, happy qualities to better one another. With this type of environment, students can easily focus, work, and get help if needed. This is also beneficial to teachers as students tend to retain information better when in a friendly environment as this relieves stress or anxiety which can be bad on mental health, thus bad on learning. Students also must try their hardest on every project and assignment. Students also tend to learn more when they have fun in a class, so I would encourage teachers to create a fun atmosphere. I expect myself to turn in assignments on time and to the best of my abilities at all times, I expect my class to respect one another and, hopefully, have fun with the class because classes are much more enjoyable if they respect and can have fun with their classmates. I expect Smith to help guide students in the right direction and shape them into better students and help them create skills used for the rest of their lives. I hope my class and Smith will match some of these qualities, and I will try my best to embody them as well.
I agree with you Andy, positivity has a great impact on the learning environment. Most students learn better in an enjoyable and positive classroom. People learn better when they are happy about it and they are enjoying it. I also agree that friendliness is very important in a learning environment. Students will feel better about learning if everyone is friendly to them.
A good teacher gives every student of their's the opportunity to learn. This means that they are willing to answer questions, to be patient with student's who are encountering difficulties with a subject, and to provide help to students when they require it. Students are a pivotal part in a classroom's dynamic. The student's in a class will determine whether or not learning happens and if progress is made. A classroom should always foster learning and good academic habits. This does not mean that the room must always be silent and stuffy. Sometimes much progress is made in a noisy room, as long as purposeful and on-topic collaboration is occurring. I expect our teacher, Smith, to help us along in our learning process. In order to help us she must willing to assist our growing minds in grasping new concepts. I expect the students in our class to be involved with the class. This means doing things such as participating in class discussions, and not being afraid to be wrong. The best way to improve is to take risks and to push yourself. I expect the class as a whole to be willing to help each other and to grow as a group over the course of the year.
The difference between good teachers and great teachers is that the great ones not only teach material, but they inspire their students in the process. Great teachers are a rare breed, they are the ones who are able to educate, inspire, and have a passion for the material. At the same time, the teaching can only go so far, the class has to have the passion for learning and the determination to not only succeed in the class, but thrive. My hope for this class is that we all have that same drive to succeed and the mindset that we are different people the moment we step out of the school doors, but while inside we have to be a team - a family- and help each other succeed. My expectation for this class is not only to earn a high GPA, but be prepared for the real world. I anticipate that it will not be easy to complete this class with an “A”, but that is why we have each other. Our class should be a safe place where students are encouraged to share their opinions without fear of being criticized or mocked. The ultimate goal for our class is for students to come in everyday excited to share their opinions and learn. My expectations for this class are very high, but so are my expectations for Smith. I expect that she will teach us not for a letter grade, but to help us improve and become ready for our future endeavors. I believe that Smith’s expectations for us are very high, but ours should be as well. Like I said before, I do not want to just succeed in high school, I want to thrive.
In my opinion, good teachers, students and classrooms should embody respect and discipline. We all need to have a polite and respectful attitude towards one another. For example, if one of us were to write a paper that needed work we could give polite constructive criticism to help each other. However, there's a difference from giving criticism and being rude. I just think that when we help each other out, we should be nice and respectful. Everyone's learning style is different and we shouldn't be mean to other because their learning style is not like yours. I also think we need to be disciplined with our schoolwork. I don't think we should just blow off all assignments because that ruins our potential of learning. I agree with what Sarah H said about growing from our mistakes and assignments. I think we all should all complete our assignments as best as we can so we can improve. In Smith's class, I expect to be treated how I treat others and receive support from both Smith and my classmates. I expect myself to push myself into becoming a better learner.
Good teachers embody the qualities that they are kind, flexible, and challenge their students. These teachers I love because they are willing to work with you if you talk to them, but they also challenge you and help you to reach your full potential. Good classes embody the qualities that they are welcoming to one another, willing to work together, and challenge one another. These are the kind of classes that I like to be in. Good students embody the qualities that they are willing to put in the effort to get a good grade, are willing to help others, and are willing to ask for help if they are struggling on a concept. My expectations for Smith this year are that she is going to help me to improve a lot in language arts and challenge me to get better at my writing and vocabulary. I also help that she will help me to reach the exceeding point. I expect that she will challenge me, but she will also be kind and flexible. My expectations for my class this year is that they will be welcoming to me and everyone else, they will create a comfortable work environment, and that they will be willing to help others and ask for help from others. My expectations for myself this year is to hit that exceeding level. I want to improve my writing, reading comprehension, and my vocabulary. I also want to get an A in this class this year. Overall, I am hoping to exceed this year in English and I hope that my classmates and my teacher will help me to reach that place.
I completely agree with you! Good teachers should supply the necessary tools, but allow the student to learn and grow for themselves. Also, your ideas about how a good class should act were very thought out, and I agree with them completely!
For me, good teachers embody traits such as respect, caring, and discipline. When teachers portray these traits they create a fun learning environment. But the teacher can't be the only one to have these traits, there must be similar traits portrayed by the students as well. Good students also give as much effort as they can and as others have said, they don't take the easy way out. They must challenge one another because that is what being an honor student is all about. For me personally, I expect to give this class my all and never do anything less of that. For Smith and the rest of the class, I expect the same sort of effort. That is why I like Smith's no D policy, because she already expects greatness from us. I also expect the rest of the class as well as myself to be the one's driving conversations in class, not always Smith. If we all follow these expectations I assume we will all have a great year of Honors English.
Good teachers and students should embody respect, kindness and responsibility. A teacher should be a good role model for the class. Anything he or she does they cannot expect the class to not do. The teacher should respect the classes maturity and intelligence. The class should act a similar way, they should respect the teachers maturity and intelligence and expect the teacher to not disrespect them if they cannot respect the teacher.
Through my years of attending school, I have been taught by many teachers, with many different curriculums, and many different teaching styles. However, no matter what school or subject, every teacher has displayed certain qualities that made them great in my eyes. Patience, respect, and creating a fun work environment that allows individuals to grow as learners, all feed into the what makes a great teacher. Inside as well as outside the classroom, students should embody positive qualities such as kindness, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude. These qualities can create an ideal student that is able to create a learning environment that can benefit themselves as well as their classmates around them. Classes should be a fun, creative, and encouraging. Classrooms should be a space for students to share ideas and grow amongst each other without fear. This year I only expect the utmost of myself in academics, behavior, and athletics. That does not mean simply going through the motions, but growing both academically and as a person. Throughout this year, I expect Smith to continue to be the teacher that I met on the first day of school, passionate about learning and our growth as students, providing a positive and fun environment, and only excepting the best of her students. This year, I expect the class to allow every student to grow, as well as creating positive memories.
I completely agree Josh! Sometimes teachers forget to make sure that their students want to have fun while learning, so the teachers that do are thought of as better in a student's mind.
I completely agree with you Josh. Classroom attitude is key, sometimes it's students can forget that kindness and positivity is just s important as due dates and tests! You blog was very well written and was embedded with excellent vocabulary!
Teachers, students, and classes all have to have one specific quality. They have to be able to grow, and learn. It’s not only important that the student grows, but it is also important that the class as a whole grows. The teacher should grow with the students as well because you never stop learning and you can always improve. Another quality that students and teachers should have is motivation. Motivation is what helps us grow and do well on assignments.
The expectations I have for myself is to be able to plan ahead. For example, checking the website before an assignment is assigned, planning for your unscheduled hours, or e-mailing the teacher when you know that you are going to be absent. These expectations should be followed by students as well. Planning is one of the great things about high school. You have unscheduled hours that you can use to work on homework or get help from a teacher. I also expect the class to help eachother. If someone is having a problem with an assignment help them. This doesn’t only benefit the person being helped, but it also helps you. The final expectation I have for the class is to not complain about the assignments given. All assignments are given to help us grow, even if they are hard. All those essays you write make you a better essay writer. The only expectation I have for Smith is for her to be a good teacher and connect with the students. A good teacher has a reason for every assignment and listens to what the students have to say. If a student has a question, Smith should answer it with a question that will help the students. This isn’t only what I expect from Smith, but all teachers.
I really liked how you said that you never stop learning. I also liked the part about not complaining about the assignments given because this is an honors class. If anyone in this class does not want to work hard this is not for them.
Successful classes are all centered around the actions and attitudes of teachers and students. Good teachers should have the qualities of kindness and loyalty, along with a growth mindset. Teacher's should be able to understand the general needs of the class and be able to have the flexibility to respond accordingly. This, however, does not mean that it is solely the teacher's responsibility to ensure the success of his or her students. Good students embody leadership and maturity to help them gain mutual ground with the teacher and acquire effective communication. To me, communication is the most important part of student teacher relationships because not only will you learn from your mistakes, but you will be able to become for successful for future assignments. In Honors English this year I expect to face challenges that I will work to over come, and overall have a successful first semester while gaining a good relationship with Smith.
Good teachers, students, and classes work together, are open to new ideas, and are productive. The teacher and the class and all the students have to work together for the class to be productive. The productivity of the class is also dependent on how open the class (and teacher) is to new ideas and suggestions.
I expect the class to work productively and stay (mostly) on topic, I expect Smith to recognize how the class is working and adapt accordingly, and I expect myself to maintain good quality work and stay on top of my tasks. Most importantly, I would like to have fun and enjoy this class.
In good teachers, students, and classes, many qualities are found that help us to not only succeed, but to exceed. In a good teacher, you will find kindness and willingness to help their students. Students, both individual and as a class, have kindness and are social, able to communicate and to do it nicely to others. As an individual a student should also have responsibility and organization, but should also have these qualities in a group as well. These are just a few of the many qualities that I believe every student, teacher, and class should not only have, but show to all those around them as well.
Some qualities that good teachers have are to be explanatory, patient, and reasonable. Good teachers should also be tough on the students and give their students the gift of struggle. Having a student struggle for success helps them later in life, then they won't expect to be fed the answers. A good students should be respectful and equally as patient as the teacher is with their peers. Students should also be comfortable with communication with one another. A student should not feel discouraged or insecure to speak aloud to their peers. The whole class should be able to function with harmony and a mutual understanding. A happy and fun class is a well functioning class. Expectations I have for myself are to work myself up to hopefully a scholarship for college. My expectations for Smith is that while she is a fun, kicked back teacher, she will still make the class difficult.
Good teachers, students, and classes embody many qualities that allow them to stand out and be successful. They are focused, work hard at everything, and will always give it their all. The teachers should have your best interests in mind and want you to succeed. Good students will be responsible and prepared for anything that comes up. Exceptional classes are classes that the students want to be in, they challenge the student but always make sure they are prepared for that challenge. My expectations for this year are that I will be challenged and learn more than I would in a non-honors class. I also expect Ms. Smith to make sure I am challenged but to also give help and explain something when I need it. My expectations for this class are high because it is a honors class which should mean that all the students want to learn and they will give maximum effort on every assignment and not just blow it off. The class should be able to work together almost flawlessly and not have to be constantly redirected by the teacher.
I agree with Connor's post, especially the part about his expectations for the class since it is an honors class. I have very high hopes for this class.
Good teachers must be smart, caring, but most of all, they must be passionate for learning. They must teach for a reason, and be open to learning as a teacher. A good student must be prepared and eager to learn. They must be willing to learn and adapt. A good class must participate, and have leaders, not bosses. I expect myself to be prepared, and not to be too disruptive. I expect myself to be an ideal student. I expect the class to have fun, and bond together. From who I know in this class, we are responsible and respectful. I expect Smith to continue this love of teaching and learning for the rest of the year.
Other than your 'not disruptive,' portion, I agree with all these comments and feel like they can be achieved within reason. You have good points and expectations.
A good student would be an attentive listener and keep an open mind. They would listen to what other people say or give advice on and take it. A good student would show up to class on time, ready to learn. They would set goals and work towards achieving them. A good student would not be afraid to be wrong. They would be involved with the class and participate when a discussion is going on. A good teacher would applaud what a student did right or exceeded on, but give them advice on what they needed to work on. They would be willing to work with a student as much as possible to reach their ultimate potential. A good class would have healthy discussions and help one another. I expect Smith to teach us as much as she can in this upcoming year. I want her to challenge us, but also be there for us if we need help. I expect myself to stay on top of my work and try as hard as I can to fully understand what I have been taught. I expect this class to get along with one another and create a good work environment where no one is afraid to speak up.
Good teachers, students, and classes are focused on learning and growth. Everyone should pay attention to the teacher. They should also pay attention to their fellow classmates so that they don’t make the same mistake as their fellow classmates. I expect myself to work hard, be original, learn, and do my best work. I expect Smith to support and believe in me, teach me, push me to be better, and prepare me for college and life. I expect the class to be focused, engaged, respectful, and to work hard. I think that everyone in the class should struggle at least a little bit.
I agree with Drake. The class should be hard and challenging because that means that you are learning and improving which is why you are taking the class in the first place. You may not like the class while you are taking it but you will be thankful in the long run.
The qualities good teachers, students, and classes consist of are kindness, hard-work, involvement, trustworthiness, and helpfulness. I believe that teachers, students, and the environment of a classroom should be kind, hard-working, involved, trustworthy, and helpful because it makes the classroom and everyone in it closer together and work better as a team. I think that when a class works better as a team, not only can they accomplish more, but they can also achieve a goal or multiple goals in a shorter amount of time. The environment of a classroom should be something that you are comfortable with as well as ready to learn in. This is because people can not learn in an uncomfortable environment as well as someone in a comfortable environment can. I also think that everyone should be positive and not only ready to learn, but eager to learn as well because this creates a superior environment for better learning.
My expectations for this class is to enhance my English and comprehension skills. I hope that this class will provide me with opportunities to grow in my knowledge of literature and to get to know all the people in my class. I also expect great things from myself. This is a determining year for me and I need to excel in Honors English to further myself from other students here. Another thing I come to expect from myself is complete control over my own learning and teacher guided work.
I'm so excited to be in Honors English 9, because I know it will make me work hard and appreciate learning. Qualities for good teachers, students, and classes to embody are honesty, hard work, and diligence. I know that this class will be for me, but it is a great opportunity to further my learning.
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ReplyDeleteEducational figures and situations should always be based around one question: will this help a student be prepared to thrive in the future? As a student, the expectation to fulfil this question is to have the correct motivation behind hard work. I expect myself to offer all my attention and abilities to this English class, not so I can finish with a high GPA, but so I am one step closer to being a highly educated adult. One whom can accurately voice my opinions, in an intelligent, acute way. One who can fully comprehend and process text, which is an extremely desired skill. I expect myself to never lose sight of the ultimatum, work and prosper, or slack and struggle. From Smith I expect the same. I expect my papers aren’t graded for sake of giving me a letter grade, defining my surface intellect. I expect my assignments are graded with positive acknowledgement for my developed skills, and advice for the areas in which I lack. All of these aspects of course having the end goal of myself as a student, becoming a literate, well-informed citizen. I expect my classmates have the same goals as me, and will do anything to help their peers reach the objective, but of course having some fun along the way. I expect my freshman English class to be incredibly didactic, but never forgetting that this time period is when our minds are moldable, untampered with, and craving perception.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. Like Smith has said multiple times in class, school is not just for work ethic. Grades and work is for personal growth and to prepare us for the future. Your comment outlined this perfectly and this is what I expect from english 9 honors this year. Freshman year may not seem important, but is the foundation for our high school career. Growth in 9th grade is crucial for our future learning experience, and can really set us up for future growth.
DeleteGood teachers, students and classes should embody treating each other with respect and help each other out. Also, everyone needs to be kind to ech other.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers embody the quality of compassion, as well as patience. Students show the qualities of eagerness, and respect, especially towards the teacher or fellow classmates. Good classes must be a combination of the qualities of both good teachers, and good students. Teachers and students combine to create the class, and must both work to make it good. The expectations I have of myself are very high, and I know I must work hard to reach them. My expectations for Smith and this class are nearly the same as the ones I set for myself. I expect the class and Smith to be fun, yet strict, and want to learn things that will be useful in the future.
ReplyDeleteTeachers come in many different shapes in sizes. For example, Professor McGonagall appeared to her students as a sultry cat when they were late to class. Chiron was know for being one half horse, and one half man. Both, however, were arguably great teachers. Their students, ranging from Hermione Granger to Ajax, went on to do great things. But why? Was it because their teacher could claw them if they misbehaved, or give them free rides when they were good?
ReplyDeletePerhaps in part, but not completely. It isn't a pair of claws that makes a teacher amazing and being stronger than all of Greece is by no means a guarantee way of being a good student. A student has to want to be taught, and a teacher has to want to teach.
"When the student is ready, the master appears," is a famous proverb that comes to mind.
For me, that means that everyday we come to Smith's honor class to be ready to learn and grown as students, and for Smith to be ready to teach and guide us onto that path. We'll have days where we'll laugh, and days where we want to burn down the entire school and never learn again, and that's okay. No class is perfect. But we only have so long before the chance to learn is exhausted. Why waste time now, when we are young and willing?
In order to have a good learning environment, we need several expectations in place. Most of these expectations are common courtesy. Our class should be motivated to learn. We need to want to work hard and put forward our best effort. In addition, we should all come prepared every single day. For me, that means looking at the agenda a few days before and making sure I am ready for that day.
DeleteIn class, we need to work together. Everyone deserves respect and attention. I will listen to my classmates and Smith when they are talking and I expect them to do the same for me. When someone finishes an assignment, they should help others or work on something else quietly. This is a part of being kind to other students.
Smith’s class is going to be hard. The difficult assignments are designed to help us grow. I expect Smith to challenge us with her lessons. This class is not about a GPA, it is setting us up for our future. Therefore, we should not take the easy way out of assignments. I agree with what Hannah said earlier, no class is perfect. We will make mistakes this year. But as Smith has already said many times, this year is about growth. I expect everyone in our class to grow from all assignments and all mistakes. If we do this, then it sets us up for the rest of high school and beyond.
DeleteI completely agree and admire your hopes for this class, Your connections are brilliant and are very relatable to many of my and other’s goals for this class this year. Students can enjoy their time and have their own adventures like the characters in the Harry Potter series, but must also learn to be disciplined in order to be prepared to enter the “magical” world out there. As you said, there will be times when we will have class periods filled with laughter and others that are filled with frustration, but with Smith’s guidance and our commitment, we will be able to prosper. Great statement! Really enjoyed reading your response and hope that we will be able to do great things in this class like the characters of the books we read.
I completely agree with Hannah. Students have to want to be taught and teachers have to want to teach, and those two qualities will help to make myself and other students around me more successful during their high school career. I especially like Hannah's point of, why waste time when we are young and willing to to learn? That is one of my expectations for myself, I want to come to class expecting to learn something from Smith. Just as I'm expecting her to teach me something valuable that will help me in my first year of high school and beyond.
DeleteI have a feeling that this year will be challenging most of the time, but I"ll also have a blast. Most of the people in my class are strangers, so I'm also expecting to make some new friends this year, which is part of high school's appeal. I hope to make this year great, and I'm sure Smith and all of my classmates will help me do it!
Good teachers, students, and classes can embody several traits that could help them reach certain goals that have been set for their learning. They need to be understanding, kind, and most importantly, focused on a goal. If only half of the class is focused, then not as much learning can be achieved. It is the duty of each individual student to pay attention. If most of the students succeed, then knowledge can be achieved at a faster rate and chances are the class will know what they’re doing. I expect to further my knowledge of literature as well as read and analyze the texts assigned by Smith. As Rachel said, this class probably will be fun, yet strict, the perfect environment to expand our horizons in high school.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers, students, and classes can have many different qualities, but one trait that they all have in common is passion. When they are passionate they are willing to do the best of their ability, whether it is in teaching or learning. Students with passion actually care about what they are learning about and will more often than not ask for help if they don’t understand the content being covered in class. Teachers with passion care about their students and want their students to succeed. I have high expectations for myself since I would like to turn in excellent work that benefits my learning. I expect Mrs. Smith to be willing to help anyone who needs it. However, she should acknowledge that we are starting to become independent and should be responsible for doing what needs to be done by themselves. Although I anticipate that this class will be interesting, I realize that it will be a challenge and not an A that can be earned by doing mediocre work.
ReplyDeleteA good classroom should be where everyone is able to learn and all be able to share the interest of learning. Students should came to each class prepared and ready to learn even if they feel like it isn't their best day. Teachers should be ready to come into the classroom ready to learn like everyone else but have a stronger voice of authority. My own expectations are to be able to learn to the best of my ability and the more that I can learn, it will show up in my grade. We as students should learn to become more responsible because we don't have teachers holding our hands anymore and breathing down our necks about missing assignments. Our class would be more successful is everyone is able to come to class daily and be completely prepared. Qualities that I find in a good teacher is someone who is able to relate to the students. He or she should be able to feel comfortable with teaching and to be able to have a voice of authority when needed. I personally do not like teachers that lecture, because I do not find that I myself get into the material as much as I should. I agree with Rachel that as students, we should show the teacher (Smith) with respect as she will respect us as long as we respect her. It is like the old saying, treat others how you want to be treated. I don't expect to be treated fairly if I did something incomplete or wrong, but Smith doesn't expect us to do the wrong thing. As Tia said, "Although I anticipate that this class will be interesting, I realize that it will be a challenge and not an A that can be earned by doing mediocre work", I realized that we as students need to work hard at everything that we do. I personally can't wait to start some of the books we will be reading, but to be able to get past something all the students need to work together to be the best person that we can be and the best class we can become.
I agree with this post! I also think that we need to work together now that we are more independent. Great way of putting it!
DeleteI believe that good teachers, students, and classes should embody, respect, kindness, accountability, and a good work ethic. My expectations for myself and everyone else are that we make it our goal to embody those qualities as well as others suggested by different people. We will need them to get through this year.
ReplyDeleteGood aspects of teachers, students and an engaged, focused class should all be similar. Each should have respect and an uplifting atmosphere, which would build a class that is a place for growth and learning. Teachers should show respect to the students, as should the students show respect to the teacher and their classmates. Students should be able to communicate freely and express their opinion to the class without barriers. Classmates should lift up their fellow students with constructive criticism and also want their peers to learn. The class should be filled with positivity to make the class an open, fun atmosphere for every student. The teacher and the students should always be supportive of one another and encouraging the each other to grow, and be prepared for the future.
ReplyDeleteI expect myself to stick with goals that I have set and be open to advice that will help me learn and grow, and I expect Smith and peers to support me in my growth, provide their experience, advice, and their will for me to grow in my own education. I believe that we learn from our own, and others mistakes, and if we share experiences and mistakes with our classmates and teachers it will help us grow and not make mistakes in the future. If this class is about growth (which it is) then I expect this class (and Smith) to be open minded, supportive and encouraging others and my own growth.
I like the "build each other up with constructive criticism." Rather than telling each other to fix things in their work, which implies it is broken, We should tell them to improve it. Make it better. Go beyond your potential.
DeleteA good student should be willing to work towards a set goal in order to achieve success. In Smith's class, I am willing to accomplish tasks that Smith assigns and that I give myself. A good teacher should work with his or her students when they are bewildered or disorganized and encourage them so they can accomplish their goals and achieve success. In Smith's class, I am looking for Smith to be available for conferences if her students have any questions or concerns and I am also hoping that she will take the time to understand our goals as well as our struggles. A good class has excellent work ethic as well as a good teacher and students, as described above. I expect that Smith's students, including myself, will be dedicated in English this year because students will come seeking success with an open mind and Smith will come ready to encourage her students to work towards their goals.
ReplyDeleteIn order to get the best of you learning, you need a good learning environment. One of the most important factor in a learning environment is the people. First of all, you can learn a lot better if you have a great teacher. In my opinion, the best teacher is one that knows a lot about the subject, can connect with the students, and can make the learning enjoyable. I enjoy learning a lot more if I have a teacher that knows a lot about the subject they are teaching. The learning is much more interesting if the teacher is not just reading out of a textbook. Also, students are often curious, so a more intelligent teacher can answer more of the students questions. Another good quality in a teacher the ability for the teacher to connect to their students. If a teacher can connect to the students, it can make the learning easier and more enjoyable. Finally, I like it if the teacher can make the learning fun and enjoyable. It easier to learn if the teacher makes the learning pleasant. I find it harder to learn if the style of teaching is boring. Another important factor of someone’s learning is himself. The individual decides how much they learn and how well they learn it. They need to pay attention in class, ask questions, and do their work. It is hard for someone to learn if they do not listen to the teacher. Also, people learn better if they ask questions. Curious learners learn more then people who just learn what is necessary. Finally, the learner needs to do their work to the best of their ability. They need to try their best, and turn their work in on time. A final factor to someone’s learning is the class. Even if one person in a class is exceptional, the rest of the class may change it for them. If one person is always focused and listening, they can still be distracted by other students. If someone is sitting right next to someone who always talks to them, it is hard for them to learn. Usually, in the teacher’s worst class, there are multiple people that would be exceptional students if they were in a different class. It isn’t fun for those students because they do not get to perform as well as they could have if they were in a different class. I expect that Smith’s 5th block will be an exceptional class. There will not be many distractions, and all of our work will be turned in on time and done to the best of our ability. It will be a great, yet fun learning environment. I expect myself to be on task at all times, and get my work done to the best of my ability. I will try my hardest in this class and hopefully pay off. I expect Smith to be a perfect teacher. She will get a plethora of information into our minds, and let us enjoy it at the same time.
ReplyDeleteIn order for a teacher to be the best they can be, there are certain qualities that they need to possess. These include patience, understanding, humor, fairness and enthusiasm. All of these qualities improve the relationship between teacher and student and make it easier for the student and class to learn. A good student must possess similar qualities and then some. Students also need to have persistence, a strong work ethic and an open mind. I expect myself to do the best that I can to gain a better understanding of whatever we are covering in class, knowing that it will be challenging and there will be lots of work involved. I am okay with that, because I know that as long as I can manage my workload and be persistent in getting things done on time I will be able to get the most out of this English class. I expect the rest of the class to put the same amount of effort in so that we can all work smoothly and efficiently together throughout the year. From Smith, I would expect that everyone in the class be treated fairly. Fairness to me means that if someone is in a position where they cannot complete an assignment at all or cannot complete it to the best of their ability for some reason, their situation would be taken into account when grading them. Maybe they were not understanding the assignment, maybe they were just in a funk that day, maybe they had some kind of conflict and were not able to do their best because of a lack of time. What fairness does not mean is giving slackers free passes and accepting their excuses. I believe that if someone is able but unwilling to do their work, then they do not deserve a second chance. If, however, they are unable to do their work then they should be allowed some leeway. If our whole class can meet these expectations as a whole, I think we will have an easy year ahead.
ReplyDeleteWhat qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody? What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class?
ReplyDeleteI believe that there are many qualities that teachers and students should share. I believe that people need to be kind, aware, and need to act like a human being. At my old school, people were afraid of each other and to make mistakes. We are all human, and that's okay. Also, a little bit of humor and open mindedness couldn't hurt. I expect a fun, challenging year ahead, a one of a kind teacher and lesson plan, and a group of friends.
Teacher's play a major role in a student's life. If a teacher has a positive effect on a student, then that student can take away much more learning and have a successful career rather than a teacher who made no impact upon a student's academic career. A good teacher will push their students so that their students can reach their full potential. A good teacher will challenge students so that they can continue to grow in academic levels. Teachers will be able to impact a student so that they can walk away from the class feeling that they gave their everything in that class. A good student will challenge themselves. Push themselves so that they can get the best out of their experiences. A student will continue to improve an assignment or a test until they feel that they have given everything to that assignment. A good class will help each other grow and push each other so everyone is putting 100% effort into everything. Taking this English honors class, I knew that it would be a lot of work, but I knew that all the effort would be worth it. By pushing myself, I will be able to grow and learn new things. Smith will also help push me so I can be my best. I expect that in order to get an A in this class, you have to earn it. You can't just turn in a sloppy piece of work and expect to get an A, you have to work for it. I also expect that this class will help push each other so that we can all succeed together. If we all help each other and work hard, then we will all succeed this year.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Joseph. An exceptional learning environment is the key to an excellent education. The teacher, and the manner in which they teach are the most important aspects of this environment. If the teacher is uninteresting, and the way they instruct is mundane, then no one will learn. We will just fall asleep :). Teachers must also be approachable, so you can ask them about assignments and projects. Since all of the teachers at Arapahoe are all accessible and friendly that will never be a problem. The teacher should also care about our education. People do not try their hardest if they simply do not care. My first impressions of Smith are amazing. She actually cares (novel concept!). Teachers are somewhat responsible for our grades. Ultimately though, the responsibility is ours. If us students disregard our education, there is nothing Smith can do for us. We have to care about our schooling before we can even begin to thrive. Just remember, do the right thing (and your homework) :).
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Isabella. She made a very impactful statement in the beginning of her response that said, “Educational figures and situations should always be based around one question: will this help a student be prepared to thrive in the future?” This made me think on how your actions in class should exemplify those that will help you succeed in the future. I also agree with her on how our other classmates should have the same mindset and goals on how you should create your actions in class to help you succeed more in life. I believe that the teacher and student must also share respect. If the two respect each other there should be no lack of high opinions and a good attitude with each other. Based on my previous sentence, my expectations of Smith is to challenge me to the best of my capability and try to make me into the best student I can be, the best writer I can be, and the best classmate I can be. I expect my peers to also try and be challenged so they can learn more and succeed more later in life.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers, students, and classes embody qualities that provide a healthy learning environment in order to benefit each other. Some of these qualities include mutual respect, positivity, and support towards one another. I expect that our class, including myself and Smith, will contribute to this healthy learning environment to help us grow this year as students and individuals.
ReplyDeleteGood students, teachers, and classes all have similar traits, that including some you might (or should) already expect out of everybody. Kindness, respect, and an overall friendly and a friendly and welcome personality are all embodied by good teachers, students, and classes. A good class is usually full of good students and good teachers. Typically, good classes are made and driven by the ones in it. I believe that this class certainly has the potential to be a good class, as long as we all act as good students. Good students should treat others the way they want to be treated. I expect these qualities in my class, my teacher, and most importantly, myself. In addition, I expect a solid effort from our class, and a goal to improve and develop throughout the year. We all want (or should want) to improve now so that we can succeed in the future. With success, there comes the obvious failures, but that only leaves more room for growth. I am very excited for this school year and especially for English class, and I think that we can be a great class this year.
ReplyDeleteLearning is something good teachers, students, and classes get from each other. Good teachers are willing to learn from students and classes, and good students learn from their teachers, and also their class as a whole. A class learns teamwork skills from each other. Good teachers, students, and classes all work together and remain open-minded about new learning experiences. I expect myself to learn from my classmates, Smith, and also my own actions. I expect myself to learn not for a grade or the approval of others, but because every time you learn something new you add something to the person you are now and the adult you will become. I expect Smith to challenge me and help me write better with feedback. I expect this class to help shape me as a well-rounded reader, writer, and person.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Allie. Some of the best learning experiences are born out of mistakes. The only way to grow is to push your limits.
DeleteWhen one looks at a teacher, student, or a class overall, certain qualities come across within seconds. Inspiring, angry, distracted, whatever it may be, it is very easy to distinguish these qualities in a person. Most people want to be known as a fun, happy teacher or student, and there are some expectations that go along with these qualities. A “favorite” teacher of a student is most likely a teacher who isn’t serious all the time. It isn’t a teacher who just gets through the lesson with a monotone voice and a dead expression. It is the teacher that has life and spirit. The teacher that is easy to connect to and the one who students can come to for anything. This teacher makes learning fun, and sometimes, it doesn’t even seem like a lesson when they are speaking. They are hard-working, dedicated, and passionate about what they do. Similarly, good students should possess many of these qualities. Organization is key to success, and students and teachers alike should possess this trait. Students should be happy and pay attention to the world around them, not just focusing on themselves or on a few select people. They should be open to new ideas and creativity. They should be happy and come to school prepared and ready to learn. This often isn’t a daily occurrence for most students, but it is definitely something to strive for. If there is a whole class full of these eager students, the teacher will likely be more happy and less stressed. These are the kind of people that I would like to have in my class. This is the kind of teacher I want to have, and the kind of person I want to be. I will do my best to be this person and inspire others to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI really like how your post was not just addressing you individually, and you made the reader feel connected by wanting to inspire others to possess the qualities of organization, hard work, dedication, etc. to be successful throughout life.
DeleteFor a positive learning environment, not only do the teachers have to be positive, but so do the students. I believe that for a class to be successful, students must set goals, and answer questions that they maybe do not know the correct answer for. This ensures that students are always achieving, and reaching higher in education as well as pushing themselves to think deeper. For teachers, I think that it is so important to guide the students learning process but to make sure the students are being independant. This will guarantee students success in the actual world as they graduate. I have many expectations for this year. My highest being to challenge. Being in an honors class, I hope to have other students who enjoy language arts instead of those who don’t. I also hope to master new writing strategies and learn how to communicate more efficiently in writing. I have never been the total language arts person, but, I enjoy being with people who also, share the same goals as me. In an honors class, I would expect to find other students who want to learn, and who are excited for class. I am so excited for this new school year and hope to work together well!
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is a person who provides completely thorough tools and explanations in order for his or her students to succeed in gaining the necessary skills to be exemplary in their life. A good student is a person who uses the provided tools and education to the best of their ability in order to master the skill that they are trying to learn. They also seek out additional resources in order to master the skill completely from all aspects. A good class is a group of people that work together and pool knowledge under the tutelage of a specific teacher. Most of the time, this group will all have around the same amount of knowledge, but they all come from different backgrounds, which will make for different perspectives that can bring a fresh and interesting vibe to the class. Expectations I have for myself in this class is to turn my work in on time, and to always be clear on what we are doing. If I don’t know, then I will ask clarifying questions. Expectations that I have for Smith are to have somewhat often checks with the students to see if they are always on the same page. Expectations I have for this class are that I expect EVERYONE in the class to be calm, courteous, kind, and always willing to help one another. I expect no one to behave in a rude or disrespectful way. I also expect people to advocate for themselves in their learning.
Teachers many times, have a strong impact on students' lives. But I think there are certain qualities a teacher should embody in order to have that influence. I think they should not only teach students, but inspire, encourage, and challenge them. I think those traits are important for a good teacher to have, because students can then grow and learn from their mistakes with trustworthy support. I think that the students themselves should embody kindness, love, compassion, and equality. For a class to thrive, the students need to support each other as well as understand one another. Conflict can arise if there is a lack of trust and compromise. A class, including the teacher, should be like a family- close and available to help. For myself, I want to be the best friend that I can be to my classmates, in order to maintain a healthy environment. I will not only respect the rest of the students, but also Smith. I would like to embody a positive attitude, and a selfless character towards Smith and the class. I think that as a whole, our class, specifically can acquire these traits. I will try my best to do just that and will keep my classmates in check as well as I can in order to sustain an enjoyable vibe in the classroom!
ReplyDeleteGood teachers, students and classes embody patience and respect for one another. They treat each other equally. They should also be able to learn and grow from one another. These qualities provide support and a successful learning environment. I expect to learn from both Smith and the rest of my class and I expect to be treated with the same respect and patience that I give them. I expect to get what I give.
ReplyDeleteWhen you look around a classroom at school, there are many great qualities represented by students, teachers, and even entire classes. Responsibility, creativity, integrity, and discipline, are just a few of the qualities that you see represented. Responsibility is what allows everyone to take charge of their education, and manage it however they want to. Creativity keeps your education interesting, and lets you think outside of the box in situations even outside of class. Integrity and discipline are the qualities that keep you focused and involved in your education, so that way you can find a topic that you want to focus on later in life. These qualities are what have led me to create expectations not just for myself, but for Smith, and English honors. I expect that I will give my all on every assignment, and every time there is a chance to participate in class. For Smith I expect that she allows me to reach my full potential by giving me encouragement to always try my hardest. And my final expectations are of English honors, in which I don’t expect to be easy, but that means I will just have to try that much harder to get the learning experience out of the class that I am looking for.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Annie. I think that a teacher should be disciplined and responsible, but should also be willing to be flexible when need me. I am also helping that Smith will help me to reach my full potential this school year.
DeleteThe learning environment plays a crucial role in our development/growth from a student, classmate, and friend to an employee, colleague, or boss in the modern world. These levels of education provide us with key assets to enter the next generation of world leaders. In order to attain the necessary knowledge to take on these prodigious roles in our future, we must acquire our wisdom not only from qualified educators, but other students and classes. In my opinion, a good teacher embodies the attributes of a determined, passionate, and enticing individual. Being strict or being too easygoing can prove to be disadvantageous, but an equilibrium between the two forces of teaching allow students to prosper and reflect their skills in everyday life. Because students are a key part in a teacher’s success, they too play a vital role in the learning community. The ideal student is committed, cooperative, socially aware, and takes responsibility for his or her learning. We should be generous to others, whether they are helpful or not. Part of being a student is learning to partake in activities with others that you may or may not feel fond of. Despite this, students should strive to make themselves beneficial to the classroom in any way, even if it means taking the proper steps in one’s demeanor or work habits to become more socially or academically appealing. Finally, the classroom embodies all the crucial factors for success. Classrooms should inspire creativity through the appearance such as colors, posters, etc. They should also be inviting and positive, allowing students to feel comfortable with their learning (whether they are struggling or striving). The classroom should encompass all of the qualities of the students and teachers, for they form the pieces of the puzzle to create the classroom. I hope that I, Smith, and the class in this 2015-16 honors English class will be able to provide some or all of these qualities this year so that we can all be successful. I expect us to learn a great deal of applicable skills, but have fun along the way so that we can all enjoy our education, and look forward to the future.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you, Christine! Teachers and students help each other learn and help create a balanced learning community. Taking responsibility for one's learning is crucial to being a well-rounded student and it is important to be an active member of the class. The way you explained your points were really well done, your writing style is incredible.
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ReplyDeleteA good student puts in the work, is open minded, and attempts every single homework assignment, answer, test, and quiz with all of his or her effort. A good student does not slack or take the easy way out. They try to master the skill of learning by putting every once of their effort in learning. Also, they communicate with their teacher if they have a question or if they are confused about a topic. A good teacher supports the students and provides the tools for students to grow and prosper. They help out and encourage their students when they are confused, disorganized, or need guidance. Also, good teachers do not act sweetly and try to play "good guy" in grading, they correct what needs to be fixed. Good teachers interact with their students and provide good feedback to their students. A good class works together to help each other learn and provide solid good feedback on different assignments. They help each other grow. I expect to turn all of my papers on time and ask Smith for ways to improve on my writing techniques and help me grow as a student. Expectations for Smith are that she will answer any questions on my confusion and she will always help me grow and expand my knowledge. I expect for all of the students in the class help each other willingly and to be kind and not disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you! I think effort from us is crucial for a classroom to thrive. Respect and responsibility will be useful tools as well. Great way of putting it!
DeleteThe most important quality that teachers, students, and a class can embody is positivity. A positive learning environment fosters a community showing growth and prosperity. Students should be positive towards each other. When someone says something in class, the positive comments should fair outweigh the negative ones so that student feels confident in speaking up again. A teacher should also be positive and enthusiastic because that enthusiasm will translate into kids liking the class more and producing better quality work. The entire class should radiate positivity, towards each other, towards the class, and towards the teacher.
ReplyDeleteI think that good teachers enjoy the subject they are teaching and good students learn to enjoy what they are being taught. A class also should embody respect for each other.
A class should also have a focused and productive environment for optimal growth. It should have structure.
I expect myself to always put forth my best work and focus on growth and trust that my grade will take care of itself. Like mentioned above, I won’t settle for turning in mediocre assignments and when I don’t perform as well as I should, I will come in and get help to learn from my mistakes. I expect myself to stay organized and utilize the resources available, specifically technology. I expect myself to stay on top of assignments and keep procrastination to a minimum.
I expect Smith to provide timely feedback and help me when I’m struggling with a writing piece or difficult book.
The reason I took honors English is because empathy stems from reading novels that take you to other places, help you understand new characters, and look at situations outside of everyday lives from an outside perspective. So I expect that, as a class we will grow in our understanding of the world around us and our empathetic outlooks.
I look forward to the rest of the year.
In order to create a positive environment where students can learn, work, and develop themselves as students and as people, classes, teachers, and students all must embody positive, friendly, happy qualities to better one another. With this type of environment, students can easily focus, work, and get help if needed. This is also beneficial to teachers as students tend to retain information better when in a friendly environment as this relieves stress or anxiety which can be bad on mental health, thus bad on learning. Students also must try their hardest on every project and assignment. Students also tend to learn more when they have fun in a class, so I would encourage teachers to create a fun atmosphere. I expect myself to turn in assignments on time and to the best of my abilities at all times, I expect my class to respect one another and, hopefully, have fun with the class because classes are much more enjoyable if they respect and can have fun with their classmates. I expect Smith to help guide students in the right direction and shape them into better students and help them create skills used for the rest of their lives. I hope my class and Smith will match some of these qualities, and I will try my best to embody them as well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Andy, positivity has a great impact on the learning environment. Most students learn better in an enjoyable and positive classroom. People learn better when they are happy about it and they are enjoying it. I also agree that friendliness is very important in a learning environment. Students will feel better about learning if everyone is friendly to them.
DeleteA good teacher gives every student of their's the opportunity to learn. This means that they are willing to answer questions, to be patient with student's who are encountering difficulties with a subject, and to provide help to students when they require it. Students are a pivotal part in a classroom's dynamic. The student's in a class will determine whether or not learning happens and if progress is made. A classroom should always foster learning and good academic habits. This does not mean that the room must always be silent and stuffy. Sometimes much progress is made in a noisy room, as long as purposeful and on-topic collaboration is occurring. I expect our teacher, Smith, to help us along in our learning process. In order to help us she must willing to assist our growing minds in grasping new concepts. I expect the students in our class to be involved with the class. This means doing things such as participating in class discussions, and not being afraid to be wrong. The best way to improve is to take risks and to push yourself. I expect the class as a whole to be willing to help each other and to grow as a group over the course of the year.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between good teachers and great teachers is that the great ones not only teach material, but they inspire their students in the process. Great teachers are a rare breed, they are the ones who are able to educate, inspire, and have a passion for the material. At the same time, the teaching can only go so far, the class has to have the passion for learning and the determination to not only succeed in the class, but thrive. My hope for this class is that we all have that same drive to succeed and the mindset that we are different people the moment we step out of the school doors, but while inside we have to be a team - a family- and help each other succeed.
ReplyDeleteMy expectation for this class is not only to earn a high GPA, but be prepared for the real world. I anticipate that it will not be easy to complete this class with an “A”, but that is why we have each other. Our class should be a safe place where students are encouraged to share their opinions without fear of being criticized or mocked. The ultimate goal for our class is for students to come in everyday excited to share their opinions and learn. My expectations for this class are very high, but so are my expectations for Smith. I expect that she will teach us not for a letter grade, but to help us improve and become ready for our future endeavors. I believe that Smith’s expectations for us are very high, but ours should be as well. Like I said before, I do not want to just succeed in high school, I want to thrive.
In my opinion, good teachers, students and classrooms should embody respect and discipline. We all need to have a polite and respectful attitude towards one another. For example, if one of us were to write a paper that needed work we could give polite constructive criticism to help each other. However, there's a difference from giving criticism and being rude. I just think that when we help each other out, we should be nice and respectful. Everyone's learning style is different and we shouldn't be mean to other because their learning style is not like yours.
ReplyDeleteI also think we need to be disciplined with our schoolwork. I don't think we should just blow off all assignments because that ruins our potential of learning. I agree with what Sarah H said about growing from our mistakes and assignments. I think we all should all complete our assignments as best as we can so we can improve.
In Smith's class, I expect to be treated how I treat others and receive support from both Smith and my classmates. I expect myself to push myself into becoming a better learner.
Good teachers embody the qualities that they are kind, flexible, and challenge their students. These teachers I love because they are willing to work with you if you talk to them, but they also challenge you and help you to reach your full potential. Good classes embody the qualities that they are welcoming to one another, willing to work together, and challenge one another. These are the kind of classes that I like to be in. Good students embody the qualities that they are willing to put in the effort to get a good grade, are willing to help others, and are willing to ask for help if they are struggling on a concept. My expectations for Smith this year are that she is going to help me to improve a lot in language arts and challenge me to get better at my writing and vocabulary. I also help that she will help me to reach the exceeding point. I expect that she will challenge me, but she will also be kind and flexible. My expectations for my class this year is that they will be welcoming to me and everyone else, they will create a comfortable work environment, and that they will be willing to help others and ask for help from others. My expectations for myself this year is to hit that exceeding level. I want to improve my writing, reading comprehension, and my vocabulary. I also want to get an A in this class this year. Overall, I am hoping to exceed this year in English and I hope that my classmates and my teacher will help me to reach that place.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you! Good teachers should supply the necessary tools, but allow the student to learn and grow for themselves. Also, your ideas about how a good class should act were very thought out, and I agree with them completely!
DeleteFor me, good teachers embody traits such as respect, caring, and discipline. When teachers portray these traits they create a fun learning environment. But the teacher can't be the only one to have these traits, there must be similar traits portrayed by the students as well. Good students also give as much effort as they can and as others have said, they don't take the easy way out. They must challenge one another because that is what being an honor student is all about. For me personally, I expect to give this class my all and never do anything less of that. For Smith and the rest of the class, I expect the same sort of effort. That is why I like Smith's no D policy, because she already expects greatness from us. I also expect the rest of the class as well as myself to be the one's driving conversations in class, not always Smith. If we all follow these expectations I assume we will all have a great year of Honors English.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers and students should embody respect, kindness and responsibility. A teacher should be a good role model for the class. Anything he or she does they cannot expect the class to not do. The teacher should respect the classes maturity and intelligence. The class should act a similar way, they should respect the teachers maturity and intelligence and expect the teacher to not disrespect them if they cannot respect the teacher.
ReplyDeleteThrough my years of attending school, I have been taught by many teachers, with many different curriculums, and many different teaching styles. However, no matter what school or subject, every teacher has displayed certain qualities that made them great in my eyes. Patience, respect, and creating a fun work environment that allows individuals to grow as learners, all feed into the what makes a great teacher. Inside as well as outside the classroom, students should embody positive qualities such as kindness, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude. These qualities can create an ideal student that is able to create a learning environment that can benefit themselves as well as their classmates around them. Classes should be a fun, creative, and encouraging. Classrooms should be a space for students to share ideas and grow amongst each other without fear. This year I only expect the utmost of myself in academics, behavior, and athletics. That does not mean simply going through the motions, but growing both academically and as a person. Throughout this year, I expect Smith to continue to be the teacher that I met on the first day of school, passionate about learning and our growth as students, providing a positive and fun environment, and only excepting the best of her students. This year, I expect the class to allow every student to grow, as well as creating positive memories.
I completely agree Josh! Sometimes teachers forget to make sure that their students want to have fun while learning, so the teachers that do are thought of as better in a student's mind.
DeleteI completely agree with you Josh. Classroom attitude is key, sometimes it's students can forget that kindness and positivity is just s important as due dates and tests! You blog was very well written and was embedded with excellent vocabulary!
ReplyDeleteTeachers, students, and classes all have to have one specific quality. They have to be able to grow, and learn. It’s not only important that the student grows, but it is also important that the class as a whole grows. The teacher should grow with the students as well because you never stop learning and you can always improve. Another quality that students and teachers should have is motivation. Motivation is what helps us grow and do well on assignments.
ReplyDeleteThe expectations I have for myself is to be able to plan ahead. For example, checking the website before an assignment is assigned, planning for your unscheduled hours, or e-mailing the teacher when you know that you are going to be absent. These expectations should be followed by students as well. Planning is one of the great things about high school. You have unscheduled hours that you can use to work on homework or get help from a teacher. I also expect the class to help eachother. If someone is having a problem with an assignment help them. This doesn’t only benefit the person being helped, but it also helps you. The final expectation I have for the class is to not complain about the assignments given. All assignments are given to help us grow, even if they are hard. All those essays you write make you a better essay writer. The only expectation I have for Smith is for her to be a good teacher and connect with the students. A good teacher has a reason for every assignment and listens to what the students have to say. If a student has a question, Smith should answer it with a question that will help the students. This isn’t only what I expect from Smith, but all teachers.
I really liked how you said that you never stop learning. I also liked the part about not complaining about the assignments given because this is an honors class. If anyone in this class does not want to work hard this is not for them.
DeleteSuccessful classes are all centered around the actions and attitudes of teachers and students. Good teachers should have the qualities of kindness and loyalty, along with a growth mindset. Teacher's should be able to understand the general needs of the class and be able to have the flexibility to respond accordingly. This, however, does not mean that it is solely the teacher's responsibility to ensure the success of his or her students. Good students embody leadership and maturity to help them gain mutual ground with the teacher and acquire effective communication. To me, communication is the most important part of student teacher relationships because not only will you learn from your mistakes, but you will be able to become for successful for future assignments. In Honors English this year I expect to face challenges that I will work to over come, and overall have a successful first semester while gaining a good relationship with Smith.
ReplyDeleteGood points about of how it should not be entirely the teacher's responsibility to ensure the student's success.
DeleteGood teachers, students, and classes work together, are open to new ideas, and are productive. The teacher and the class and all the students have to work together for the class to be productive. The productivity of the class is also dependent on how open the class (and teacher) is to new ideas and suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI expect the class to work productively and stay (mostly) on topic, I expect Smith to recognize how the class is working and adapt accordingly, and I expect myself to maintain good quality work and stay on top of my tasks. Most importantly, I would like to have fun and enjoy this class.
Zach, there is now way we will stay remotely on topic.
DeleteIn good teachers, students, and classes, many qualities are found that help us to not only succeed, but to exceed. In a good teacher, you will find kindness and willingness to help their students. Students, both individual and as a class, have kindness and are social, able to communicate and to do it nicely to others. As an individual a student should also have responsibility and organization, but should also have these qualities in a group as well. These are just a few of the many qualities that I believe every student, teacher, and class should not only have, but show to all those around them as well.
ReplyDeleteSome qualities that good teachers have are to be explanatory, patient, and reasonable. Good teachers should also be tough on the students and give their students the gift of struggle. Having a student struggle for success helps them later in life, then they won't expect to be fed the answers. A good students should be respectful and equally as patient as the teacher is with their peers. Students should also be comfortable with communication with one another. A student should not feel discouraged or insecure to speak aloud to their peers. The whole class should be able to function with harmony and a mutual understanding. A happy and fun class is a well functioning class. Expectations I have for myself are to work myself up to hopefully a scholarship for college. My expectations for Smith is that while she is a fun, kicked back teacher, she will still make the class difficult.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers, students, and classes embody many qualities that allow them to stand out and be successful. They are focused, work hard at everything, and will always give it their all. The teachers should have your best interests in mind and want you to succeed. Good students will be responsible and prepared for anything that comes up. Exceptional classes are classes that the students want to be in, they challenge the student but always make sure they are prepared for that challenge. My expectations for this year are that I will be challenged and learn more than I would in a non-honors class. I also expect Ms. Smith to make sure I am challenged but to also give help and explain something when I need it. My expectations for this class are high because it is a honors class which should mean that all the students want to learn and they will give maximum effort on every assignment and not just blow it off. The class should be able to work together almost flawlessly and not have to be constantly redirected by the teacher.
I agree with Connor's post, especially the part about his expectations for the class since it is an honors class. I have very high hopes for this class.
DeleteGood teachers must be smart, caring, but most of all, they must be passionate for learning. They must teach for a reason, and be open to learning as a teacher. A good student must be prepared and eager to learn. They must be willing to learn and adapt. A good class must participate, and have leaders, not bosses.
ReplyDeleteI expect myself to be prepared, and not to be too disruptive. I expect myself to be an ideal student. I expect the class to have fun, and bond together. From who I know in this class, we are responsible and respectful. I expect Smith to continue this love of teaching and learning for the rest of the year.
Other than your 'not disruptive,' portion, I agree with all these comments and feel like they can be achieved within reason. You have good points and expectations.
DeleteA good student would be an attentive listener and keep an open mind. They would listen to what other people say or give advice on and take it. A good student would show up to class on time, ready to learn. They would set goals and work towards achieving them. A good student would not be afraid to be wrong. They would be involved with the class and participate when a discussion is going on. A good teacher would applaud what a student did right or exceeded on, but give them advice on what they needed to work on. They would be willing to work with a student as much as possible to reach their ultimate potential. A good class would have healthy discussions and help one another. I expect Smith to teach us as much as she can in this upcoming year. I want her to challenge us, but also be there for us if we need help. I expect myself to stay on top of my work and try as hard as I can to fully understand what I have been taught. I expect this class to get along with one another and create a good work environment where no one is afraid to speak up.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers, students, and classes are focused on learning and growth. Everyone should pay attention to the teacher. They should also pay attention to their fellow classmates so that they don’t make the same mistake as their fellow classmates. I expect myself to work hard, be original, learn, and do my best work. I expect Smith to support and believe in me, teach me, push me to be better, and prepare me for college and life. I expect the class to be focused, engaged, respectful, and to work hard. I think that everyone in the class should struggle at least a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Drake. The class should be hard and challenging because that means that you are learning and improving which is why you are taking the class in the first place. You may not like the class while you are taking it but you will be thankful in the long run.
ReplyDeleteThe qualities good teachers, students, and classes consist of are kindness, hard-work, involvement, trustworthiness, and helpfulness. I believe that teachers, students, and the environment of a classroom should be kind, hard-working, involved, trustworthy, and helpful because it makes the classroom and everyone in it closer together and work better as a team. I think that when a class works better as a team, not only can they accomplish more, but they can also achieve a goal or multiple goals in a shorter amount of time. The environment of a classroom should be something that you are comfortable with as well as ready to learn in. This is because people can not learn in an uncomfortable environment as well as someone in a comfortable environment can. I also think that everyone should be positive and not only ready to learn, but eager to learn as well because this creates a superior environment for better learning.
ReplyDeleteMy expectations for this class is to enhance my English and comprehension skills. I hope that this class will provide me with opportunities to grow in my knowledge of literature and to get to know all the people in my class. I also expect great things from myself. This is a determining year for me and I need to excel in Honors English to further myself from other students here. Another thing I come to expect from myself is complete control over my own learning and teacher guided work.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to be in Honors English 9, because I know it will make me work hard and appreciate learning. Qualities for good teachers, students, and classes to embody are honesty, hard work, and diligence. I know that this class will be for me, but it is a great opportunity to further my learning.